Observ 520X Skin Scanner

A full skin analysis is an excellent starting point in your skincare routine because it provides a comprehensive understanding of your skin's unique needs, allowing for personalised and effective treatment plans.

Start Your Clearer Skin



The OBSERV 520x is a cutting-edge skin analysis system designed to assist dermatologists, aestheticians, and clinicians in accurately diagnosing skin conditions at both the epidermal and dermal layers.

Featuring 10 comprehensive observation modes, the OBSERV 520x enables detailed examination of skin health from the deepest layers to the surface. This allows both skin professionals and clients to study skin irregularities in depth and discuss the best treatment options to restore skin balance.

This interactive approach, combined with clear visual evidence, builds customer trust and rapport during consultations, empowering skin professionals to confidently guide clients toward suitable skincare and treatment solution

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  • Germicidal action to the skin
  • A skin lightening agent, improves scars and lightens sun damage
  • Increases skin function
  • Decreases erythemau
  • Vasoconstricting
  • Stimulates fibroblasts




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Contact Us

What can I expect during laser hair removal treatment?

Treatments take place in our practitioner’s clinic room. Your practitioner will use a small handpiece to deliver an intense burst of energy onto targeted areas of the skin.

Can Gentle Hair Removal be done on darker skin tones?

Yes! Many laser hair removal treatments don’t cater to all skin types, but there’s a Gentle Max Pro Hair Removal treatment that’s right for you, no matter your skin tone.

How long does a Gentle laser hair removal treatment take?

A treatment can take as little as a few minutes to as long as an hour, depending on the treatment area and the condition being treated. Both legs can often be treated in as few as 15 minutes, as can an average-sized man’s back.

What can I expect after treatment?

A cool compress or gel pack may be applied for additional comfort after your treatment. Any redness or swelling should resolve in a few hours.

What precautions should I take after treatment?

After your treatment, your skin will be much more prone to sun damage, so be sure to use sunblock with SPF 30 or greater. In the first few days after treatment, don’t scrub or rinse the treated areas with abrasive skin cleansers. Your practitioner may advise additional precautions.

Are there side effects?

While side effects – such as redness, swelling, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, blistering, or purpura (a bruise-like condition) in the treated area – can occur, it is rare for them to be permanent, and will usually go away in a few days. Your provider will have more information about potential side effects.